Tuesday, November 15, 2005

opening statement.

....a state whereby the artist is so hurt by society that the only forms of art expressed are those of tirades. A stentorian bellow towards the entirety of society, it is an affliction of the soul that must be addressed. The artist who would display the empty void of the canvas must be studied, what would send an artist to create such empty vistas? inspiration through negativity is the hallmark of a floundering society.


Anonymous said...

sincerity must be my main influence

Anonymous said...

You guys Rock man. Keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

"Inspiration through negativity is the hallmark of a floundering society"

Spot on there, however, the product of this negativity can in turn positively inspire others although perhaps negatively.....

Anonymous said...

"Inspiration through negativity is the hallmark of a floundering society"

Truth, though a society isn't hopelessly floundering while inspiration remains. I believe that a piece of negative art is ultimately the product of a struggle within the artist to understand, an impulse born from anger and frustration, but one that can only culminate positively. In Canada explorations are being made into the use of methane gas as a natural power source, cultivated from the manure of caged cattle. They believe the process can be used to harness enough energy to power an entire town. I like to think that if the scientist can turn shit into positive energy, then so can the artist.