Monday, November 28, 2005


I know this scene, it is my own form amplified and reversed, veins and wires, stone and flesh, tarnished, aged. Our social instincts are used to compel the evolution of our being. The city is not a place it is a force, a force which uses as much as it abuses. Resembling the identities of us humans, fluctuating from static to fluid. From the confines of the concrete jungle debasement sounds good. For a while at least.


Anonymous said...

Hi, you left me a message at my old journal. The new one is still at LJ but under the name "zeely". I very much doubt you'll fancy it though.

And, excellent diction choice.

Anonymous said...

Loved the first few lines.
In fact i had a delerious experience similar to that once.

Thought the ending was weak.