Sunday, February 25, 2007



Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The Joy And Tragedy of Human Expression.
A film nature would not allow to fully exist.

Please follow link to the CORPOREAL BOND BLOG (Erect Constructs link - to the left) there you will find further words and images regarding this atrocity.

What follows are words from the creator in no particular order they delve into the reasons and foundations of such a debasement of human expression.


The length of the film is unknown to a certain degree it is expected to run for as long as the piece is displayed, the repetition of the film follows a progressive revealing of different footage each relating to past images, sound and text but also referring to possible future occurrences. The slow revealing of content in the film is a reference to the slow incremental forward motion of life, the universe.

If you do not pay attention, nothing will be missed. This is the disgraceful state we have allowed ourselves to descend into. the bowels of convention, head first into the jaws of the standard. the innards of the ‘significant’ collected together in a black box, holding the pure aesthetic and investing everything into the dimming of the organic memory.

content images

The chosen images all have a duality, for every formalised constructed recognisable image the audience encounter there is an opposite formless, unrecognisable image. The collection of images ranged from my own footage to that taken from television, cinema and the public domain.

Each of the chapters is made up of four screens, each designated with its own imagery, sounds and text they are to be played in some cases as one cohesive unit, playing each of the four screens as one but in most cases as a decontextualised image being played along side something designed as an random/opposite.

The determined use of science and pornography is the extreme of human expression, the former, one of noble causes that regrettably forces the sterility of knowledge and renders beings as simple aberrations of something bigger to the latter’s glorious debasement of ecstasy and joy left to be acted out between consenting adults all shaped by the pay check they will receive at the end of the day.

The title of the work The Joy and Tragedy of Human Expression is a contextualising element and therefore serves a pivotal role in the receipt of this work. Without the title the film delves into a more abstracted random world where the images, sound and text bring about an infinite amount of contexts with themselves but this too is a very important aspect of the film. The film is designed not to be watched in the conventional ways in which we the audience expect, there is a beginning but this is a representation of a beginning, the film is made to be watched from any point once the film has begun in the confines of the gallery space the assumption the audience will come and go as they see fit, in terms of cinema and television the audience are aware of the linear narratives utilised within the program and therefore will stay until they are satisfied the program has reached a conclusion.

beginning – middle – end

the choice to utilise knowledge relating to the nature of the gallery and auditorium has shaped the character of the film. the length and content have been specifically chosen to both inflame and numb the senses.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

to never forgive or forget.

1.Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again. - Leviticus 24:20, King James Bible

2.Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. - Romans 12:19

do not expect a god.

Don't give over all of your critical faculties to people in power, no matter how admirable those people may appear to be. Beneath the facade you will find a human who will make human mistakes.

sensory blockage

the abyss awaits, gaping.

lead a grey existance. lack both joy and sorrow.
sincerity must be my main influence.

who desires anarchy?

anarchy frees the people of personal resposibility.

ask yourself, whom among the heaving masses desires anarchy, chaos and the random?.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

lead us.

1.we fall upon decisions these days. we wait and wait which is another form of giving up. we allow the decisions of others to move us.

2.measuring locks us into the place we are measuring.


Monday, January 30, 2006

whatever is easy and available impotent thrust into the dark place hidden, past the forest of the despondent. not all will be able or willing to take the journey, others will clutch at their systems denounce this newness and demonise the words. there will be those whose absolutes have ingrained themselves upon the instinctual desires so profoundly they will be unaware of our actions, it will pass them by with out any sense of recognition on their part.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Constructions (of space and time.)

Contaminated cylindrical terminals converging inward,
speeding away from the body.
Images of the past focus at the apex,
indistinct edges reveal uncontrolled erratic recognisable shapes.
The stentorian bellow of silence threatens to engulf.
Instinct is transposed unto the desires of functionality.
The hastening of regularity diffuses the light,
the edges define, structure over turns chaos.
Governance follows. sterile forms envelop.

Monday, November 28, 2005


I know this scene, it is my own form amplified and reversed, veins and wires, stone and flesh, tarnished, aged. Our social instincts are used to compel the evolution of our being. The city is not a place it is a force, a force which uses as much as it abuses. Resembling the identities of us humans, fluctuating from static to fluid. From the confines of the concrete jungle debasement sounds good. For a while at least.


let the ocean dissolve away this path
through entropy
the answers will come at last.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The savage yearning for happiness.

...if you do not pay attention, nothing will be missed, this is the disgraceful state we have allowed ourselves to descend into. The bowels of convention, head first into the jaws of the standard. The innards of the significant collected together in a black box, holding the pure aesthetic, investing everything into the dimming of the organic memory. The sentient form no longer required to remember from their individual thoughts or physical experiences, the televisual radio obscures the need, casting the shadow of oblivion over the entirety of western civility. The Lunatic’s run amuck across the airwaves washing away the psychodynamics of a million years of evolution and in one long visceral ejaculation expelling the nutrients of vitality over the redundant soils of the mental plains....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The long past with a short history.


To those who sent me to the Gulag.

To those who dare point the accusing finger wildly. To those who dare to demonise their fellow human. To those who would be bureaucrats, heed this warning - you are known, your lack of subtly reveals you. You are transparent you dare point your finger but it is you who are the sinner, to look for blame and scapegoats is the act of a bureaucrat, you are lost and cause the death of nobility. To place blame before a case is heard is weak. To blame one of a crime as you yourself commit the crime is the admission of a malefactor.

Incantations to awaken the deepest sleepers from the darkest places before the Sun 001

1.Animals are generally considered to have evolved from flagellate protozoa.
(So therefore I must crawl down beside you.)

2.A monkey will present its back to another monkey, who will pick out parasites; after a time the roles will be reversed.
(in the beginning art was a pure form, used to expand the communicative boundaries in a social order, memory was extended. Through image humanity found a way to express itself without the obvious limitations of the physical body bound by form, definition and measurements. The image allowed the mind to develop, the imagination could now be built upon, no longer would the noble savage sit, think and sweat.)

3.Sterile workers devote their whole lives to caring for the queen, constructing and protecting the nest, foraging for food, and tending the larvae.
( were able to be recorded beyond the seconds, minutes, days and years, even now forty thousand years on, these images still sit there at the crucible of human expression, as Picasso so concisely noted “we have learned nothing”.)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

They Have Tried To Send Me To The Gulag.

Article 11.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 26.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
Article 27.



Tuesday, November 15, 2005

opening statement.

....a state whereby the artist is so hurt by society that the only forms of art expressed are those of tirades. A stentorian bellow towards the entirety of society, it is an affliction of the soul that must be addressed. The artist who would display the empty void of the canvas must be studied, what would send an artist to create such empty vistas? inspiration through negativity is the hallmark of a floundering society.

the savagery of regressive animalistic behaviours.

The Jusfordafucofitist Founding and Manifesto.

The Jusfordafucofitist Founding and Manifesto.

Founding members
Mikhail Aesteban Del Fwaievo,
jHuan Onyjon,
Gyupseppe Phang-Gooliee
April 15th 2005


…..And so this knowledge will be unfolded only through long successive ages. There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them….
-Seneca, Natural Questions, Book 7, first century.

Opening Proclamation.

The Cataclysm of Construction
The following are your words, your semblance of composition, your founding configuration:

Learn to relax, learn to focus your attention, heal your mental wounds, feel the elemental blood of the universe flowing through your veins, healing all. Use your visions to for fill your dreams, cast aside ill health and bad temper, leave the physical world delve into your subconscious. Heal. Develop control, speak inwardly.

The Construct of Fuck
This is our litany, our expression of curiosity, our words.

Liberate your inner being, the one that tells you nothing is wrong. The being that bonds memories and dreams, use this as a reality to bind your thoughts together. Penetrate the depths of your subconscious elevating your mind to new ground, bring thoughts to manifest within the realms of the physical world of representation, shadow oblivion, become sublime in paranoia and experience first rate joy and accept it as truth.

The Disaster Area
You are in a state of silence, disaffected, living with predictable colours, shapes, words and premises. We the Jusfordafucofitist’s are less concerned about fitting into the world, we are training ourselves to lose focus, turning towards the abstract. Experiments often test the experimenter more than the subject, it is this training towards the loss of interest that we the Justfodafucofitist search for. Through the graceful compulsion of violent eradication, holding between our crouch a prerequisite of impulsive desires to shed the old flesh, phlegmatic vistas, perfect syndromes, placid white spaces, blasé masses, unresponsive onlookers we shout smash it apart, everything you have ever done. This impulsive attitude affords us the ability to transmogrify our own sterile, static encumbered states for a transcendental voyage of polarised fantasticalities. To combine both the broken and sublime in an embrace of delicate complex emotions. The sensation of fear must flow.

We hurl this formal warning to society, Beware. We will smash it up just for the fuck of it.

We have nothing to do with the subtle; but we are quite capable, when necessary, of making use of it like anyone else.

o We desire to feel the cleansing properties of metamorphoses.

o Constant stimulation numbs us, that is why we embrace it.

o We will keep smashing, digging, scraping, smearing, screaming until we feel something.

o “It doesn’t really matter anymore, none of this really matters anymore.” (Affirm it).

We make no claim to change the traditions of humankind, but we do intend to show the fragility of thought, and on what shifting foundations, such weak structures stand.

The love of meat especially pork must be asserted everyday.

We are specialists in rebellion. There is no means of action which we are not capable, when necessary, of employing.

Jusfordafucofitism is not a new means or expression. It is a means of total liberation from the unbearable cage of the mind, body and of all that resembles it.

Courage, audacity, and revolt will be essential characteristics of our Works.

o Your hearts are black, hollow and cold. We are the electrical impulses of instinctive desires.

No Work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. The Work must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces.

We celebrate the erratic, impulsive, flip-flop, crass, savagery of animalistic regressive behaviours.

The Prescient have no place in our world, the future unfolds instantly through direct action not through contemplation of doing.

o The validation of actions is required for the action to become part of the greater schema.

o Everything we believe, we believe works better when smeared with foods or broken.

Checklist: Modus Operandi

A series of operations you the potential member of the Jusfordafucofitism must perform before your eventual self destructive initiation. The actions are a guideline and not an absolute. They are experimentations which lead to the physical experience. Use your imagination.

1. performances for a room
enter a chamber, which has windows. throw food stuffs from the windows.
the food stuffs must include: at least two roasted chickens(the chickens must be partially eaten), feta cheese(the feta cheese must be sampled), lambs hearts(hearts must be molested).
other matter may also be thrown that does not resemble food stuffs these must include: paper(various forms), water, masking tape. the paper, water and masking tape must be combined and utilised in an unconventional manner. bodily fluids may also be expelled from the body this must include: saliva, masticated foods, liquids.

2. to be performed in an elevator over the period of one academic year.
equipment required for performance
absolute necessities: meat, chipolatas, potato products, spit, masticated foods, cardboard boxes, candy, peanuts, pretzels, magic marker(black), beverages(various), boxes.
actions to be executed with equipment.
writing, strategic placement of food stuffs, destruction of…, spitting, screaming/shouting.

3. spend time thinking up pseudonyms for thyself.

4. performance for a white space
with a small ball enter a functional white space. take three or more players. create a game in which the three players can play with the ball on a daily basis.

5. use a public toilet in such a way, the authorities close it to the general public.

6. The Hierarchy
take an amount(depending on the size of room)of academic tables and chairs. stack them using the ancient Egyptian technique of pyramid building. use one chair to topple the bastard construction to its foundations. run.
in the same room on a different day climb the walls of the room as if it were a mountain, utilise shelves, tables and chairs to achieve your gaol. climb with wild abandonment without a care for the destruction of property.
in the adjacent room, do things.

7. The Countenance of Strangers/The Voice of God
situation: third floor of building. from a window
equipment and directions: take a microphone. speakers. connect together. place speakers by open window. speak into microphone. look down unto the world below. comment on the people u see. do not pander to the victims, they are not an audience, u are not an entertainer.

8. The Countenance of Strangers/The Voice of God REPRISAL
do as above, but forgo the microphone and speakers. use your own voice to capture the attention of your victims.

9. banner/placard/sign
make banners with nonsensical sentences and surnames and hang them from a building. wait for the consequences. wait.
Two specific messages are to be written, one banner must have written upon it: “When Beans Turn To Raisins” and the second “All Hail Chocolate Teapot”

10. Penis.
write the word ‘PENIS’ on the wall of an educational building and wait for the consequences. the word must be written in a place inaccessible to the general public. wash off the word using a sponge and hand soap. sing when u clean it.

11. Food Stuffs and the White Space.
- Smear fruit onto a white wall (Preferably banana and apple). leave for the majority of an academic year. and forget about it.
- leave food in unconventional places, cabinets, light fixtures, daub food onto walls and windows,
- When encountering abnormal fluke foods, keep them as curiosities. store them. record them. send them to Dr. Miguel Vahaio Rodriguez to be compiled into a book of flukes, Dr. Mig’s Flukes of Nature
- throw food around without fear of consequence.
- How many rich tea biscuits can you hold in your mouth?
- Hide food
- Order two chicken sandwiches from a major fast food restaurant, the sandwiches must have nothing but the meat, no extras at all!. take the chicken out of the sandwiches. eat. take the remaining bread and make a bread sandwich. eat. choke.

12. walk around a place of education and act like a Greaser. knock paper from the walls, sneer. work as a group. assert thyself.

13. steal a chair from a student union bar and keep it for yourself.

Equipment: glue, sand and a plinth.
Action: combine in such a way as to hide the appearance of the glue, despite its presence.

15. Make a mess. clean it up.

16. Scream, scream like there is a tomorrow, as if you are the God Emperor, the all seeing Eye.

17. Action. (Innuendo)
State publicly ”Who’s gonna do the potatoes?“

The Slaughter Of Significance
Blinded by the magnificence of the pure structure of the creator, we the Jusfordafucofitists refract and twist the recognisable shapes, sound and notions of your prepared world. You muster the resonating frequencies allocated to the summoning of trance like states, a tessellation of organic patterns corresponding to the immense genetic memories each of the individual sentient’s of this existance share.

You require little for your journey, you will continue unabated, now in your old state of awareness forced by the hand of the unseen censor both the projected image of reality and your morose incarcerated mind embrace in a ballet of sanitised unsurprising colours, shapes, words and premises.

We just made you up to validate ourselves. Through your plurality you concede a greater amount of freedom for us to exploit. This thing is not about the possibility of the greatness we can achieve.

The Atrocity of the New Flesh
You have been left behind in the bland timeless evolution of matter, the varying frequencies and ripples of emptiness call us to ravage her elaborate delusion, we look at your reflections and query, is that all you wish to be? We ask for you to look around at the world, and question, is everything exactly as it seems?, What if this world you assume you know, turns out to be someone else’s compromised dialogue with another’s predetermined compulsions? We are the unfathomable placement of matter, left here just long enough to hurt and finally in the pre-established harmony of time we rot away. We know what we fucking are, we know we are full of it.

Staring at the Sun
What emotional fatigue cascade upon us, the Jusfordafucofitist’s, as we approach the moment of rebellion- Time and Space form into sleek terminals, in a sterile amorphous void converging to a point, a nexus where all things which have existed, exist now and will exist, can be seen. The activation of cerebral circuits open the Doors of Infinity where it all began. No longer existing with the sterile, negative illness. Terrified. Disorientation. The Black Sphere of Negativity harms you, disorientates you, planting the seeds of paranoia. People are plotting against you (always be aware of your surroundings) the pattern moves up, down, moves however, later rather than sooner you realise that the Construct is not enough.

Sowing Seeds on my Deathbed.
We wish you well, show us how you are unafraid to die. Take a stand on some little thing, in front of a crowd, lead the way, step out of line, tell a lie. Claim to know, and act surprised when the whole thing comes down.

Human stupidity consists in having lots of ideas, but stupid ones.
-Henry de Montherlant, Notebooks